Summer Jones

Summer Jones

Summer Jones is a wife, mother, and friend to many.  Her name might sound familiar as she made quite the introduction when she started to build a chicken coop for her backyard chickens when she and her family first moved to town in 2020 from Fort Worth.  The City of Aledo had conflicting ordinances with regards to keeping fowl, so action was needed to clarify which ordinance the City intended to enforce.  Working together with the Planning and Zoning Committee, the City Manager, City Council and Mayor, Summer helped to coordinate efforts to amend the city ordinance to allow Aledo residents to keep backyard chickens.

From that experience, she learned about herself, city government and the wonderful people of Aledo.  Fast forward almost three years later when several friends encouraged her to run for Aledo City Council to fill an unexpired term for City Council Position 5.  After experiencing first-hand that local decisions have a big impact on daily lives, she decided to run because she wants Aledo to be the best place to call home.

Summer has a strong business background with a degree in Finance from Texas A&M University and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Texas at San Antonio.  After her oldest son was born, she stayed home to raise her family and serve her church, schools and community including such organizations as Junior League, PTO, Athletic Booster, Young Men’s Service League and Christ Chapel Bible Church Women's Board just to name a few.

In addition to being a part of large service organizations, Summer has mentored many young women over the course of 10 years. She is a writer and has been the main speaker at multiple women’s events.  She has consistently lived her life putting others first.

Almost daily, she tells her teenage sons to do their best and be a leader, so she had to practice what she preached when the opportunity presented itself to serve her community by running and being elected to public office.  From homemaker to place-maker, Summer will do her best to utilize the assets of Aledo in a more advantageous way to establish or add value. She believes in a long-term, community-wide perspective and commitment to high ethical standards.

When she’s not serving, Summer has lots of hobbies including Pilates, photography, cooking, reading and of course, chicken enthusiast.  She’s most often found with her husband of 24 years at sporting events watching and cheering for their three sons.